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Heliconia Trimming 

A go-to person for Heliconia trimming assignments. Had artfully wielded the pruning shears to sculpt and shape these exotic beauties at the backyard or balcony. Hands-on experience speaks volumes about ability to bring these greenery to life.

Helicornia in a planted box that is not trimmed. Weeds not removed.


Trimmed  Heliconia in a private property in Singapore at the back yard. Weeds on pebbles removed. Dead leaves and dried flowers removed. Weeding performed


Have skillfully weeded and trimmed the Heliconia plants, removing any dried or yellow leaves. Carefully removed weeds to keep the garden looking neat and tidy as well.

Helicornia pruning_trimming(after  with waste)

In process

Untrimmed Heliconia


Heliconia in a planted box trimming


In the heliconia filled pots and planted box, dead flowers and some of the heliconia plants are removed to optimize growth.

2 pots of heliconia that has not been trimmed
Trimmed Heliconia with dried leaves on the floor



Yellowed Heliconia and dried flowers are trimmed from both of the pots in the owner's garden.

Potted Plants
Trimmed potted plants



Overgrown potted plants are trimmed together with the pots of Heliconia at the rear.

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